
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Readers Special and Experienced Writings

Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

Opening of 3 heart valves (Noor Ahmed Lahore):-

Respected Hakeemsb, Assalam-u-alaikum I am a regular reader of ubqari. Through this magazine I want to narrate my own story.

 I was a heart patient. I went to cardiology hospital for my treatment. At first, I was given same medicines and was asked to come for angiography on same fixed date. In that report, I was advised for heart surgery as my three valves were blocked but when the surgeon made a thorough examination of my heart, he refused to operate as my heart muscles were extremely weak. Another physician watched my C.D and finally he advised for the surgery. It was inevitable . Then I visited almost all the hospitals but every surgeon refused to perform    by-pass. During all this period, I underwent a terrible sort of pain. I had to put tablets under my tongue many times a day. One day I read the saying of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) that once Jibraeel (A.S) visited him (S.A.W.W) and stated that Allah Almighty will remove all the inner, outer, physical diseases from a person’s body and will grant health to the patient. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) said:-

The cure of all the diseases is the following Quranic treatment.

Recite surah Fatiha 70 times , surah falak 70 times , surah Naas 70 times, surah ikhlas 70times , ayat-ul-kursi 70 times , the last 4 verses of surah hasher 70 times , the last three ayaats of surah al baqrah 70 times and YA QAWWIYO –L- QAADIRUL MUQTADIRU QAWWINI WA QALBI  یَاقَوِّیُّ الْقَادِرُ المُتْقَدِرُ قَوِّنِیْ وَقَلْبِیْ  70 times and finally blow it on the rain water . Now take three sips of this water daily early in the morning after Fajr prayers fasting. After taking this water keep your stomach empty for half an hour. Do it for seven, fourteen or twenty-one days. Insha’Allah you will get full recovery from all the diseases. I performed this deed and Allah Almighty granted me good health. You should also perform this blessed deed and get perfect health from all physical ailments.

The rare cure of crippled Hands and Feet (Zahir khan Quetta):-

The children, who suffer from crippled hand and feet, lame and limp, are advised to take a tea spoon full of milk along with following powder in the morning and once at night. Insha’Allah they will be cured. For the persons who suffer from shortage of calcium, limbs shivering, feeling giddiness or body shivering due to some disease. The following prescription is highly effective whenever we applied on any patient Allah Almighty granted health. Air creeper (aakashbael)has no root or leaves but grows over kikartrees. It is used as the only ingredient of this prescription. Dry the air creeper in some shady place, grind it and make powder of it. Now take one tea spoon of this powder along with milk in the morning and one tea spoon at night. Nothing else is added to it.

Priceless prescription devoted to the readers of Ubqari:

[FazalIllahi; Sheikhupura]

Respected Hakeem Sahab. Assalam-0-alaikum! I am writing for the first time in any magazine. I came across Ubqari very strangely. I went to the cycle shop to get a puncture fixed. A hawker was also there. I saw Ubqari with him. I took permission to look at it and purchased it instantly. This was almost 3 years back.

I am interested in herbal medicine since 12-13 years and in this regard have accumulated material from other books but what I gained from Ubqari was beyond my imagination. This is a complete Islamic and informative magazine about herbal medicine. I tried few of the prescriptions from Hakeem Sahab’s book and those were really beneficial. Page number 105 of ‘Hukma Ki Zindagiyon Kay TibbiNachor’ contains an effective prescription for male strength. Peoples trying it shall be pleased and shall forget all other expensive medicines. I have tried this medicine myself; very effective and tested.

Formula: Talmakhana, Beej band, Tukhm-e-Otangan; 1 tola each. ShaqaqalMisri, MosliSufaid, MosliSiyah; 2 tola each. Phoolmakhana, AardSinghara; 4 tola each. KamarKus; 6 tola - Khaand; equal to all. Grind all ingredients separately and then mix together. Dose: 9 masha; to be taken in morning and evening along-with cow’s milk

On page number 128 of the same book, the following formula is given for arthritis: Kali Mosli 6 masha, Hermal 1 tola, Munaqqa (seedless) 1 tola. Grind mosli&hermal. Rub with munaqqa& make balls the size of mashdaal. Take 1 tablet in morning and 1 in evening along with a sip of water. On page number 161 of the same book, the following formula is given for toothache and stomach-ache: TukhmDhatoora ½ tola, Naushadar 1 tola, Filfilsiyah 2 tola, Gairi 1 tola. Grind and preserve them. Use as a manjan for toothache; gargle after 5 minutes. For stomach-ache, take ½ ratti along-with luke-warm water. On page number 306 of the same book, the following formula is given for chronic constipation. Formula: Burg Sanaamki 1 tola, Baadiaan 1 tola, NabaatSufaid 2 tola. Prepare the powder by grinding each ingredient separately. Dose: 4 mashaalong-with luke-warm water prior to meals. These all prescriptions have been tried by me and my friends. My other tested formulas are: All four salts 1 chitank; fourajwain1 chitank, sanaamki 2 tola. Grind and preserve these. Take 4 mashaafter meals along-with water. Benefits: Constipation, gas, stomach-ache, indigestion etc.

Powder for Spermatorrhoea: Kozamisri 10 tola, Ispaghol husk 5 tola, Gondkateera 5 tola, Green Cardamom 5 tola, Tabasheer granules 1 tola. Take out the seeds of green cardamom and grind all ingredients to fine powder. Add a big spoon to ½ kg warm milk at night. Eat first thing in the morning. It is beneficial for the heat of liver, bladder and spermatorrhoea.

Powder for Male strength: Moslisiyah, moslisufaid,salabmisri, darchinikhulanja, talmakhana, beej band, andarjo, tudarisurkh,tudarisufaid, behmansufaid,  behmansurkh, shiqaqal. Each ingredient 1tola; misri 12 tola. Grind all to a fine powder. Then add misri. Dose: 3-6 mashain morning and evening, along-with milk.

These all prescriptions are my tested and are excellent.

The blessings of Surah Rahman (HurmatHinaKhanewal):-

As a Muslim we believe in Allah and his last book Quran that was revealed on Rasoolullah (S.A.W.W). Holy Quran is a perfect code of life; nothing is absent in this book. There is cure to every disease and solution of every problem in it. Every surah of this book has some special quality in it but surah Rahman has been declared the bride of the Holy Quran. There is a cure of every disease and solution of every problem in it.

All those suffering from any physical,mental, spiritual illness or black magic should listen to surah Rahman; recitation by Qari Abdul Basit (without translation) three times a week. Every time after listening, take half a glass of water and close your eyes and say “ALLAH” thrice in heart and drink in three sips. It is my own experienced deed; you should do it and tell others as well. Our holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) said: - that is the best deed that is done continuously though little in quantity.

Friendship with surah Fatiha (Muhammad Furqan; Karachi) :-

Today everybody is upset in our society, whether poor or rich. There are many diseases;nobody is at ease or at rest. Once I read in a book the person who makes friendship with surah fatiha, then this surah will be enough for his difficulties and worries. I thought of sharing this with Ubqarireaders. Now diseases have settled down almost everywhere. Let’s be friends of Surah Fatiha because it is also known as the curing surah. This surah contain cure for all diseases. Now, how to be its friends? Whenever we drink water we should blow this surah on it recites it while turning on the tap of water and then drink the glass of water in three sips. Insha’Allah no disease will ever touch, whatever you drink, water, tea,soft drink, coffee or milk recite surah Fatiha and blow it on your drink. It is a guaranteed and the cheapest cure of today. Make it a habit to recite it all the time and before going to bed. You will get rid of all sorts of spiritual and physical ailments. It is also a magic cure for your economic problems and for magic as well.

A mother who wants to quit breast-feeding should blow YA-MATEENO 111 times on buffalo’s milk and give it to the child.

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